Are you able to handle your stress?

What is stress?
A state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse and demanding circumstances
Stress is totally mental phenomenon. It sources itself within you through various possibilities.  There can be many reasons for human to be stressed for. As per Master-Minds’ definition stress is difference between your capability and capacity. Most of the time, we are stressed due to higher expectation from ourselves and lower capacity to deliver those expectations. Stress is like stretched rubber. If it exceeds safe value it can burst out and if it doesn’t appear in front of you, there will be no progress.
Everyone needs some amount of stress in their life. Why? Let’s see. In the world of competition we have been giving exams every year. Now, the time comes when time table for exams has been declared before two months. You are relaxed because you have two months i.e. 60 days i.e. 1440 hours and converting it to seconds. Many of you have done that. But one day suddenly you realized that you have just 15 days to prepare for exam. You suddenly put yourself on action plan and start studying under the stress of 15 days. This stress is useful to you. It generates actions which are very useful and helpful to you. We even experienced stress while completing a deadline of project in office or completing your submissions at time. We might have observed in many situations like these we have been taking necessary actions for particular situations.
Another reason we get stressed is because our inability to handle the situations. We are unable to handle the situation because we are not skilled or trained to handle them. When your manager or boss tells you some work and you know you can’t do that and even you know you can’t say NO to your boss. Now, either this or that way you have to complete the task assigned to you. You start to stressing out because you don’t know how to do, how to complete and how to deliver it to your boss. Your stress increases day by day, you carry this stress to your family and friends and your relations starts to ruin. Instead of stressing out, what can you do? You can calculate the time span you are allotted to complete the work, you can analyze your current situation or skills or abilities to handle the project, and taking right decision at right time. This is the way you should react to the situations that stresses you out.
Some people face stress due to assertiveness. They are people oriented persons and are not able to say no to anybody. They commit to number of people but are not able to complete those commitments. This behavior can also cause stress to you. So, it is inability of a person to say NO to others.
Along with these there are many reasons that cause stress to people. While dealing with stress you have to develop your own way of dealing. Just because my friend deals with stress by being alone doesn’t mean I have to be alone while I am stressed. You should know your behavioral patterns that will tell you how to deal with your stuff.
Well, stress can be helpful if you are dealing with it under safe value. It can motivate you, it can drive you. But if it exceeds, it can ruin your relations, ruin your professional life, can cause anxiety and fear, health problems and many more things.
Are you stressed? Why?


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