4 Ways to achieve synergy
This kind of synergy occurs when we interact with other people but it rests upon us building a strong “internal base.” We build this “internal base” by learning and using habits 1-3 that apply to our own personal development (being proactive, beginning with the end in mind and putting first things first). Value the difference This is the toughest part of habit #6. Covey wants us to value other people’s opposing opinions. He mentions early in the book that we all have different frames of reference. To obtain synergy in our endeavours we need to seek out frames of reference that differ from ours and embrace them. The problem with this is it means well and truly parking your ego. That means having true control over your emotions. You are going to be in situations where you are really sure you have the correct answer but other people say you don’t. Can you embrace their point of view? Can you keep your emotions under control to...