
Actions to achieve goals

Taking Massive Action Defining your goals gives you clarity and the motivation to reach them. However, it’s massive action that ultimately helps you achieve them. Massive action means taking full ownership of everything involved in accomplishing your goal. This includes your failures, bad decisions and problems. It means no more making excuses for why you can’t follow through with your action plan. It means being deliberate with your movements and connecting with your goals on an emotional level. But what should your massive action plan involve to ensure you achieve results and reach success? 1. Acquire knowledge.  Are you one of those people who pause from reading to look up a word you don’t know? If you are, that says a few things about you. First, you’re thirsty for knowledge. It also reveals that you’re not ashamed to admit to yourself when you don’t know something. And most importantly, you take action to educate yourself before proceeding. It should apply ...

What Are S.M.A.R.T. Goals?

S.M.A.R.T. goals are a relatively new idea. In 1981, George T. Doran, a consultant and former director of corporate planning for Washington Water Power Company, published a paper called, “There’s a S.M.A.R.T. Way to Write Management’s Goals and Objectives.” In the document, he introduces S.M.A.R.T. goals as a tool to create criteria to help improve the chances of succeeding in accomplishing a goal. The acronym stands for:  S – Specific When setting a goal, be specific about what you want to accomplish. Think about this as the mission statement for your goal. This isn’t a detailed list of how you’re going to meet a goal, but it should include an answer to the popular ‘w’ questions: Who – Consider who needs to be involved to achieve the goal (this is especially important when you’re working on a group project). What – Think about exactly what you are trying to accomplish and don’t be afraid to get very detailed. When – You’ll get more specific about this question unde...

10 Powerful Ways to Achieve Self-Confidence

“Low self-esteem is like driving through life with your hand brake on.” -- Maxwell Maltz Nobody is born with limitless self-confidence. If someone seems to have incredible self-confidence, it’s because he or she has worked on building it for years. Self-confidence is something that you learn to build up because the challenging world of business, and life in general, can deflate it. As we teach at Skill Incubator, building a successful business requires a thick skin and unshakable confidence in your ability to overcome obstacles. Here are 10 things you can do to build up your self-confidence. 1. Visualize yourself as you want to be. “What the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.” -- Napoleon Hill Visualization is the technique of seeing an image of yourself that you are proud of, in your own mind. When we struggle with low self-confidence, we have a poor perception of ourselves that is often inaccurate. Practice visualizing a fantastic versio...

Are you Stable?

Emotional stability is very important now a days. Here is some ways to be aware of your stability. 1. Be aware of what topics arouse you. If you know that a conversation about military service is especially valuable and sensitive to you, then you should let your friends know. Your support system for college is mainly them, people who you turn to when you need help and to have a fun time. Therefore, your friends should understand what you are particularly sensitive to so that they can help you work on not responding emotionally to future discussions. 2. Do not be afraid to admit that you need help. Emotional instability can be somewhat embarrassing. The vital message to remember is that you have family and friends that can and will help you. Overcoming fear and seeking assistance is the most crucial step in starting to better yourself and be more emotionally stable. 3. Practice some techniques that calm you down. They may include yoga, breathing exercises, swimming, taki...

Click the link to know the ways to self-motivated

8 step guide to be self-motivated.  1. Start simple.  Keep motivators around your work area – things that give you that initial spark to get going. 2. Keep good company.  Make more regular encounters with positive and motivated people. This could be as simple as IM chats with peers or a quick discussion with a friend who likes sharing ideas. 3. Keep learning.  Read and try to take in everything you can. The more you learn, the more confident you become in starting projects. 4. Stay Positive.  See the good in bad. When encountering obstacles, you want to be in the habit of finding what works to get over them. 5. Stop thinking.  Just do. If you find motivation for a particular project lacking, try getting started on something else. Something trivial even, then you’ll develop the momentum to begin the more important stuff. 6. Know yourself.  Keep notes on when your motivation sucks and when you feel like a superstar. There will be a pattern that, ...

4 ways to get clear with vision

The creative process of developing a visionary statement consists of four steps: Observe, Reflect, Write, and Speak. Here’s what we tell our executive clients about these processes: Step One: Observe In order to determine a vision, you must become an astute observer of your world. You have to immerse yourself in watching, listening, and wondering. Pay attention, ask questions, probe, discuss, and gather information. Step Two: Reflect Now you turn inward. For example, you look at important events in the company, or important events in your life and career, and ask yourself: What did I learn? What is this telling me? During reflection, you come up with stories and examples that form your vision and clarify your values. These stories enable you to speak authentically from your own wisdom and experience. In this reflecting stage of the process, it’s better to have someone listening and asking questions. A coach or trusted advisor can help you talk through a story or idea and ...

4 Ways to achieve synergy

This kind of synergy occurs when we interact with other people but it rests upon us building a strong “internal base.” We build this “internal base” by learning and using habits 1-3 that apply to our own personal development (being proactive, beginning with the end in mind and putting first things first). Value the difference This is the toughest part of habit #6. Covey wants us to  value  other people’s  opposing  opinions. He mentions early in the book that we all have different frames of reference. To obtain synergy in our endeavours we need to seek out frames of reference that  differ  from ours and embrace them. The problem with this is it means well and truly parking your ego. That means having true control over your emotions. You are going to be in situations where you are really sure you have the correct answer but other people say you don’t. Can you embrace their point of view? Can you keep your emotions under control to...