Actions to achieve goals
Taking Massive Action Defining your goals gives you clarity and the motivation to reach them. However, it’s massive action that ultimately helps you achieve them. Massive action means taking full ownership of everything involved in accomplishing your goal. This includes your failures, bad decisions and problems. It means no more making excuses for why you can’t follow through with your action plan. It means being deliberate with your movements and connecting with your goals on an emotional level. But what should your massive action plan involve to ensure you achieve results and reach success? 1. Acquire knowledge. Are you one of those people who pause from reading to look up a word you don’t know? If you are, that says a few things about you. First, you’re thirsty for knowledge. It also reveals that you’re not ashamed to admit to yourself when you don’t know something. And most importantly, you take action to educate yourself before proceeding. It should apply ...